SGI Hot Mix 17
Hot Mix 17.iso
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Perl Script
442 lines
# $Id: surf-lib.pl,v 1.4 1997/01/28 22:31:44 beejay Exp $
# surf-lib.pl - perl library for Silicon Surf
if (!defined &__SURF_LIB__) {
eval 'sub __SURF_LIB__ {1;}';
require('cgi-lib-g.pl') || die "can\'t load cgi-lib-g.pl: $!";
$ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd";
# Domains which have their own webmaster address.
@webmaster_domains = ("ca","fr","it","uk");
$DocumentRoot = "/www/silicon_surf";
# Get ServerRoot
chop($hostname = `hostname`);
$server_name = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} ? $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} : $hostname;
$server_port = $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} ? $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} : 80;
($addr=`grep server_name /etc/hosts`) =~ s/\s+.*$//;
if ( -d "/usr/ns-home/httpd-${server_port}.$addr" ) {
$ServerRoot = "/usr/ns-home/httpd-${server_port}.$addr";
} else {
$ServerRoot = "/usr/ns-home/httpd-$server_port";
# Get magnus.conf info
while(<MAGNUSCONF>) {
s/\#.*$//; # Remove comments
next if (/^\s*$/); # and strip blank lines
($option,$value) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
next if ($option eq "Init"); # Skip Init lines
$MagnusConf{$option} = $value;
# Get obj.conf info
while(<OBJCONF>) {
if (/NameTrans/) { # Name translation functions
if (/fn=\"document-root\"/ ) { # Document Root
$DocumentRoot = $1;
} elsif (/fn=\"unix-home\"/) {
($from) = /from=\"([^\"]+)\"/;
($dir) = /subdir=\"([^\"]+)\"/;
$NameTrans{$from} = $dir;
$NameTrans_type{$url} = "unix-home";
} elsif (/fn=\"home-page\"/) {
$HomePage = $1;
} elsif (/fn=\"pfx2dir\"/) { # Document alias
($from) = /from=\"([^\"]+)\"/;
($dir) = /dir=\"([^\"]+)\"/;
$NameTrans{$from} = $dir;
$NameTrans_type{$url} = "pfx2dir";
} elsif (/fn=\"redirect\"/) { # Server redirect
($from) = /from=\"([^\"]+)\"/;
if (/url-prefix=/) {
($url) = /url-prefix=\"([^\"]+)\"/;
$NameTrans_type{$url} = "redirect-prefix";
} else {
($url) = /url=\"([^\"]+)\"/;
$NameTrans_type{$url} = "redirect";
$NameTrans{$url} = $dir;
if (/<Object\s+.*ppath=\"([^\"]+)\"/) {
($Object = $1) =~ s/\*/.*/g; # Assign Object and make regexp
undef $Object if (/<\/Object>/);
$AuthTrans{$Object} = $_ if ($Object && /^AuthTrans/);
$PathCheck{$Object} = $_ if ($Object && /^PathCheck/);
# Check for authenticated path
# path - path relative to $DocumentRoot
# returns true if $path is part of an authenticated area
sub check_auth {
local($path) = @_;
$path =~ s/^\///; # Remove leading '/'
$path =~ s/^\.\///; # or './'
foreach $auth (keys %AuthTrans) {
$rauth = &clean_regexp($auth);
$rauth =~ s/\\\.\\\*/.*/g; # Fix .* from config
if ("$DocumentRoot/$path" =~ /$rauth/ && !$ENV{'AUTHORIZED'}) {
($AuthRealm = $PathCheck{$auth}) =~ s/^.*realm=\"([^\"]+)\".*$/$1/;
# Print standard document header
# title - document title (will also appear as H1 text)
# titleimg - if used, will display instead of H1 title (title will be
# ALT= text)
# Globals:
# $nomimeheader can be used to disable the Content-type header
# $nobug will turn off the SGI logo
# $ismap will set the header link to an imagemap
sub header {
local ($title,$titleimg) = @_;
&PrintMimeHeader() unless($nomimeheader);
print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n" unless ($NoDoctype);
print <<EOFEOF;
<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:webmaster\@www.sgi.com">
foreach (@InHead) {
print "$_\n";
print "</HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY";
$attr{'bgcolor'} = "#FFFFFF" unless($attr{'bgcolor'});
print " BGCOLOR=$attr{'bgcolor'} "
if ($attr{'bgcolor'} || $attr{'background'} =~ /\#[0-9a-f]{6}/i);
print " BACKGROUND=$attr{'background'} "
if ($attr{'background'} =~ /\.gif$/i);
print " TEXT=$attr{'text'} " if ($attr{'text'});
print " LINK=$attr{'link'} " if ($attr{'link'});
print " VLINK=$attr{'vlink'} " if ($attr{'vlink'});
print " ALINK=$attr{'alink'} " if ($attr{'alink'});
print " $InBody " if ($InBody);
print ">\n";
print "<IMG SRC=\"/Images/CorpID.gif\" ALT=\"Silicon Graphics, Inc.\"><BR>\n" unless($nobug);
print "<CENTER><P ALIGN=\"center\">\n" if ($center);
print "<IMG SRC=\"$attr{'headimg'}\" ALT=\"\"><BR>\n"
if ($attr{'headimg'});
print "<H1>";
if ($titleimg) {
# &getlang is a SurfZone thingie....
print "<A HREF=\"$ismap\">" if ($ismap);
if ($domain && defined &getlang) {
print "<IMG SRC=\"$titleimg\" ALT=\"";
print &getlang($title);
} else {
print "<IMG SRC=\"$titleimg\" ALT=\"$title\"";
print "\"";
print " ISMAP" if ($ismap);
print " BORDER=\"$attr{'border'}\"" if (defined($attr{'border'}));
print " HEIGHT=\"$attr{'height'}\"" if (defined($attr{'height'}));
print " WIDTH=\"$attr{'width'}\"" if (defined($attr{'width'}));
print ">";
print "</A>" if ($ismap);
} else {
if ($domain && defined &getlang) {
print &getlang($title);
} else {
print "$title";
print "</H1>\n";
print "</P></CENTER>\n" if ($center);
# Print standard document footer
# The following hidden variables may be imbedded in the form:
# back_url - URL back to form
# back_url_image - Image for back link
# back_url_label - Label for back link (will be ALT= text if image)
# return_url - URL to return to document
# return_url_image - Image for return link
# return_url_label - Label for return link (will be ALT= text if image)
# This will also print any icons for areas specified in PATH_INFO.
sub footer {
# local($location) = @_;
# $location = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} if (!$location);
# print "<HR SIZE=\"6\">\n";
print "<HR>\n";
print "<A HREF=\"/\"><IMG SRC=\"/Images/Icon/surf.gif\"></A>\n";
foreach $section (@sections) {
$name{$section} = $section unless $name{$section};
if ($icon_url{$section}) {
print "<A HREF=\"$root{$section}\"><IMG SRC=\"$icon_url{$section}\" ALT=\"\[$name{$section}\]\"></A>\n";
} elsif ($root{$section}) {
print "<A HREF=\"$root{$section}\">[$name{$section}\]</A>\n";
if ($in{'back_url'}) {
if ($in{'back_url_image'}) {
print "<A HREF=\"$in{'back_url'}\"><IMG SRC=\"$in{'back_url_image'}\" ALT=\"$in{'back_url_label'}\"></A>\n";
} else {
$in{'back_url_label'} = "[Back]" if (! $in{'back_url_label'});
print "<A HREF=\"$in{'back_url'}\"><B>$in{'back_url_label'}</B></A>\n";
if ($in{'return_url'}) {
if ($in{'return_url_image'}) {
print "<A HREF=\"$in{'return_url'}\"><IMG SRC=\"$in{'return_url_image'}\" ALT=\"$in{'return_url_label'}\"></A>\n";
} else {
$in{'return_url_label'} = "[Return]" if (! $in{'return_url_label'});
print "<A HREF=\"$in{'return_url'}\"><B>$in{'return_url_label'}</B></A>\n";
print " <BR>\n";
# &getlang is a SurfZone thingie....
if ($domain && defined &getlang) {
print "<FONT SIZE=\"-1\">";
print &getlang("We welcome feedback and comments at");
print "\n";
} else {
print "<FONT SIZE=\"-1\">We welcome feedback and comments at\n";
if ($domain && grep(/^$domain$/,@webmaster_domains)) {
print "<A HREF=\"/cgi-bin/form_feedback/webmaster-$domain\@www.sgi.com?$domain\">webmaster-$domain\@www.sgi.com</A>. </FONT>\n";
} else {
print "<A HREF=\"/cgi-bin/form_feedback/webmaster\@www.sgi.com\">webmaster\@www.sgi.com</A>. </FONT>\n";
print "<P>\n";
print "<FONT SIZE=\"-3\">";
if ($domain && defined &getlang) {
print &getlang("<A HREF=\"/Misc/sgi_info.html\">Copyright © 1995, 1996, Silicon Graphics, Inc.</A> All Rights Reserved");
print &getlang("<A HREF=\"/Misc/external.list.html\">Trademark Information</A>");
} else {
print "<A HREF=\"/Misc/sgi_info.html\">Copyright © 1995, 1996, Silicon Graphics, Inc.</A> All Rights Reserved";
print "<A HREF=\"/Misc/external.list.html\">Trademark Information</A>";
print "</FONT>\n";
print "</BODY>\n";
print "</HTML>\n";
# Escape all regexp characters for matching
sub clean_regexp {
local($regex) = @_;
$regex =~ s/([\/()[\]*+|?.\{\}\\])/\\$1/g; # strip regexp
sub debug_print {
local($level,$message) = @_;
return unless (defined($debug));
return if ($level > $debug);
if ($nocr && ($olevel == $level)) {
print STDERR "$message" if ($level <= $debug);
} else {
print STDERR "\n" if ($nocr);
print STDERR "DEBUG:$level:$message";
$olevel = $level;
$nocr = $message !~ /\n/;
# Standard error handling
# input - array containing error message to print
sub surf_error {
local(@error) = @_;
&header("Error retrieving document!!","");
foreach $line (@error) {
print "$line";
print "<P>\n";
exit 1;
# read_mimetypes - open and read the server mime.types file
# put the results into %mime_types_ext and %mime_types_icon by extension
sub read_mimetypes {
while (<MIME>) {
next if (/^$/);
($type = $_) =~ s/^.*type=(\S+).*$/$1/;
($exts = $_) =~ s/^.*exts=(\S+).*$/$1/;
($icon = $_) =~ s/^.*icon=(\S+).*$/$1/;
undef($icon) unless (/icon=/);
($enc = $_) =~ s/^.*enc=(\S+).*$/$1/;
undef($enc) unless (/enc=/);
foreach $ext (split(',',$exts)) {
if ($enc) {
$mime_type_enc{$ext} = $enc;
} else {
$mime_type_ext{$ext} = $type;
$mime_type_icon{$ext} = $icon;
sub PrintMimeHeader {
local($file) = @_;
$file = "junk.html" unless ($file); # Force HTML if no $file
&read_mimetypes unless($mime_type_ext{"html"});
($ext = $file) =~ s/^.*\.([^\.]+)$/$1/;
if ($mime_type_enc{$ext}) {
$enc = $ext;
($ext = $file) =~ s/^.*\.([^\.]+)\.$enc$/$1/;
if (!$server) {
$server = $server_name;
$server .= ":$server_port" if ($server_port && $server_port ne "80");
# Send cookies if needed
foreach $cookie (@cookies) {
print "Set-Cookie:";
print " ${cookie}=$cookie_value{$cookie};" if (defined($cookie_value{$cookie}));
print " expires=$cookie_exp{$cookie};" if (defined($cookie_exp{$cookie}));
print " path=$cookie_path{$cookie};" if (defined($cookie_path{$cookie}));
print " domain=$cookie_domain{$cookie};" if (defined($cookie_domain{$cookie}));
print " secure" if (defined($cookie_secure{$cookie}));
print "\n";
# Send redirection if needed
if ($imagemap || $redirect) {
$file =~ s/^\///;
if ($redirect && $redirect =~ /https*:/) {
print "Location: $redirect\n";
} else {
print "Location: http://$server/$file\n";
# Send content encoding and type
print "Content-encoding: $mime_type_enc{$enc}\n" if ($mime_type_enc{$enc});
if ($mime_type_ext{$ext}) {
print "Content-type: $mime_type_ext{$ext}\n";
} else {
print "Content-type: text/plain\n";
print "\n";
# Print a string, wrapping it to fit given width
sub wrap_print {
local($handle,$string,$width) = @_;
$pos = 0; $newend = $pos;
while($pos < length($string)) {
while($newend-$pos < $width) {
$end = $newend + 1;
$newend = index($string," ",$end);
$nl = index($string,"\n",$end);
if ($newend < 0) {
print $handle substr($string,$pos,length($string)-$pos);
print $handle "\n";
if (($nl > 0 && $newend > $nl) && $nl-$pos < $width) {
$end = $nl + 1;
print $handle substr($string,$pos,$end-$pos);
print $handle "\n";
$pos = $end if ($end);
# Return a file name for a given document (based at DocumentRoot)
# Returns both the "cleaned" filename, and the actual file pointed to
# if this is a link.
sub getfilename {
local($baseurl) = @_;
$baseurl =~ s/^\///;
$baseurl = "." unless($baseurl); # Current directory if null
# Convert to index.html/cgi if directory
if ($baseurl =~ /\/$/ || -d $baseurl) {
$baseurl .= "/" if ($baseurl !~ /\/$/);
$baseurl .= "index.cgi" if (-f "$DocumentRoot/${baseurl}index.cgi" ||
-l "$DocumentRoot/${baseurl}index.cgi");
$baseurl .= "index.html" if (-f "$DocumentRoot/${baseurl}index.html" ||
-l "$DocumentRoot/${baseurl}index.html");
$baseurl =~ s/^\.//; # Remove leading "." (top of tree)
if (! -f "$DocumentRoot/$baseurl" && ! -l "$DocumentRoot/$baseurl") {
if (-d "$DocumentRoot/$baseurl") {
print STDERR "ERROR: $baseurl contains no index file\n" unless($quiet);
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR: $baseurl not found\n" unless($quiet);
$baseurl = "";
$lfile = "$DocumentRoot/$baseurl";
while (-l "$lfile") {
($dirname,$basename) = ($baseurl =~ (/^(.*)\/([^\/]*)$/));
$lfile = readlink($lfile);
if ($lfile !~ /^\//) {
($lfile = "$DocumentRoot/$dirname/$lfile") =~ s/\/\//\//g;
return("","") unless (-f "$lfile" || -l "$lfile");